Khm... Blogger stats does not work anymore on this blog.
The message 'There was an error while fetching stats. Please reload page' appears under any browser and on different machines.
Reading Google help forums gives nothing - there are only complaining posts and no solution or status provided by Google yet.
It is already like several days they have the problem and nothing is changing. Would expect better services from Google at this point.
P.S. If you experience the same problem please drop a message in Blogger Help Desk at:
ironically, when i googled solutions for the exact same problem, this page was one of the first results...kind of frustrating! not comforting to know you've had this problem since beginning of the month! oh well, hope it's back up and working for you!
Hey Maggie! Thanks for a note.
Yes, it's back up now, somehow resolved couple weeks ago. I don't really understood if that was result of reporting the problem to google help forum or that worked by some magic.
The same time I started another blog, and stats feature there was working well. But only one week - it went off the same way like and here. I don't really care much about that blog, so I just ignore the problem there still.
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